USCG Recruit Center Cape May New Jersey Home of Coast Guard Boot Camp!



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U.S. Coast Guard Training Center Cape May New Jersey!
Home of "Boot Camp" for thousands of recruits.
This is the only recruit induction center in the Coast Guard.

All families and friends of graduating recruits are invited to attend their graduation ceremony. Plan to arrive at Training Center Cape May at 9:30 a.m. on graduation day. Upon arrival, you will be directed to Ida Lewis Auditorium, where we will provide you with an overview of the mornings activities and a short presentation about recruit training. This program includes a movie, shown at 10:00. A small gift shop and beverage services are available in the auditorium. Graduation is a formal military ceremony that begins promptly at 11:00 and lasts about an hour. At the ceremony conclusion, the newly promoted Seaman Apprentices and Fireman Apprentices are free to depart on ten days of well-deserved leave before reporting to her or his new duty station.
Graduation Videos

The graduation schedule for the next two months is:


Company Hall Graduation Date
O-184 HEALY 18 MAR11
P-184 JAMES 25 MAR 11
Q-184 MUNRO 01 APR 11
R-184 HEALY 08 APR 11
S-184 HEALY 15 APR11
T-184 MUNRO 22 APR 11
U-184 JAMES 29 APR 11
V-184 JAMES 06 MAY 11
W-184 ? 13 MAY 11

Drama, Documentaries, Praise & Worship, Fitness, Comedy, Mystery, Kids Entertainment and many other subjects.

Nautical Signal Flag Translator

Recruiter School



28 FEB 18 MAR 11
28 MAR 15 APR 11
06 JUN 24 JUN 11
11 JUL 29 JUL 11
15 AUG 02 SEP 11

19 SEP

07 OCT 11



Reserve Enlisted Basic Indoctrination Program


Prior Service Training

Company Date
D0311 06MAR-25 MAR
D0411 12 JUN - 01JUL 
D0511 10 JUL- 29JUL 
D0611 11 SEP- 30SEP


Morale & Recreation Events
The TRACEN Foghorn

Cape May County Herald
Shoppe Cape May County NJ Shopper's Guide

Cape May Times Local News

Frequently Asked Questions



PO Colon Drills Recruit Drill Team in historic Cape May

Click on Pictures for more info!
Listen to Semper Paratus


Old Aerial View Cape May Air Station


Company Commander Chief Andrew Fabbo glares at Coast Guard recruits arriving by bus for basic training at Coast Guard Training Center Cape May, NJ. USCG photo by PAC Tom Sperduto

CAPE MAY, N.J. - A company of Coast Guard recruits graduates boot camp, Friday, Sept. 15, 2007, near the parade field of Coast Guard Training Center Cape May.

Coast Guard photograph by Petty Officer 2nd Class Christopher D. McLaughlin


First Unit Reporting Guide

The Guardian

Pass-in-Review at Graduation Ceremony at USCG TRACEN

Sunset Parades

The Coast Guard Training Center in Cape May, New Jersey is proud to announce the 2011 Sunset Parade schedule. Four Sunset Parades for the 2011 season are scheduled for:

Sunday, May 29, . Guests should be seated by 7:50 PM.
Sunday, July 3, . Guests should be seated by 8:04 PM.
Sunday, August 7  Guests should be seated by 7:40 PM.
Sunday, September 4, Guests should be seated by 7:01 PM.

The Sunset Parades are colorful, inspiring military ceremonies, honoring the lowering of the National Ensign. The Ceremony features the Recruit Band, Drill Team, marching troops, cannon fire, and a low level fly over by a Coast Guard helicopter. The Ceremonies take place on the Training Center parade grounds. They are open to the general public, and there is no admission cost and no reservations. Children of all ages are welcomed to attend, but must be accompanied by an adult.

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Christian Music including styles such as Pop, Rock, Gospel, Praise & Worship.

Drama, Documentaries, Praise & Worship, Fitness, Comedy, Mystery, Kids Entertainment and many other subjects.