Helping Out the Community While on Liberty
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USCG HH65A 1999 Kosovo Deployment

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Community Relations!
Crew members frequently give up their personal liberty time in foreign ports in order to help the community and foster good will.

Here we are at a home for the elderly in Turkey

A Helping Hand!
Not all local residents received the type of help they wanted!
Night missle launch in the Black Sea in support of NATO ground troops in Kosovo.
This cat is good...Real Good!
Istanbul Refueler
Smells like chicken!
Swim Call!
Chief Harding challenges the Bosun and dives from the flight deck during swim call in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
These guys built additions to a senior citizen home.
Malta Wine Tasting Country!
Commanding Officer DALLAS, Brian Glander, Chief Wells, CWO Harding, CWO Blaise
Hello from Malta!
Digging a trench in the Heat
Chow call
Is the work over yet?
Guy Rush, Doug and Chief Harding in Palestien