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USCG HH65A 1999 Kosovo Deployment

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(1) Ex-Governor Gray Davis of California on Patrol with Coast Guard prior to having his term "inated" in 2004.

(2) In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina the real New Orleans Saints emerged

Shark attacks helicopter rescue swimmer at Golden Gate Bridge
This picture show some of the dangers of hovering too close to the water.
USCGC BOUTWELL Record Cocaine Bust for West Coast 2002
Good shot of some of the crew of BOUTWELL goofing off after the helicopter crew did all the hard work! Just kidding. CWO George "Buc" Hover is pictured with his hands on hips.
Going for a ride on a HH65B Dauphin Helicopter!
HH65A Dolphin!
This is the bread and butter aircraft of Coast Guard aviation accounting for 80% of all USCG programmed flight hours. Capable of 209 kts this aircraft usually cruises at 145 kts. It carries 3 hours fuel and a crew consisting of a pilot, copilot, flight mechanic and rescue swimmer.
WHEC BOUTWELL returns from Iraqi deployment 14July03
After grueling 192 days underway Cutter BOUTWELL returns to Alameda Ca.
Click on photo for Story.
HH65A patrols Golden Gate Bridge during fog.
A great photo of one of CG Air Station San Francisco's helicopters on patrol.
Budget Cutbacks Force Weapon Initatives!
The U.S. Coast Guard is adept at improvising during cutbacks in funding. Semper Paratus!

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